Monday, May 20, 2013

Saag... Indian dish with leafy greens...

Saag is an Indian dish made with leafy greens, such as collards, kale, bok choy, spinach and many others.  I used fresh kale and bok choy from our farmer's market here in Ames.  I added frozen Indian veggies from Pammel Groceries in Ames which included ratalu (Indian yam), bhindi (Indian okra), methi (fenugreek leaves that are chopped and in blocks),  and Punjabi tinda (Indian baby pumpkin).  I then boiled all these together and used my immersion mixer to combine into the saag (shown above).  I also added various Indian spices, such as tumeric, garam masala, and curry powder.  This gives it that spicy flavor associated with Indian cuisine.  This saag is a very healthy vegetarian soup, even much like a health tonic.  Enjoy!

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