Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Ayuvedic tips for fighting allergies...

Allergy attacks are quite common in the Spring when your body naturally starts to shed the fat and toxins that built up over the winter. As your immune system is weakened by the overload of impurities, it struggles to fight off the surge of allergens that spring forth.
[PHOTO: ancient Ayurvedic herbs]

Tips for fighting Allergies:Spring is when the weather warms up and thaws the winter, this is the ideal time to warm yourself up too by adding spices like ginger, chili, cloves and pepper to your food.
Avoid cold foods & drinks... no cold milk, only boiled milk.
Avoid dairy and other heavy foods at night.
Most importantly, get to bed on time to give your immune system the rest it needs to be strong.  -- [source: The Raj, Ayurvedic spa, Vedic City, Iowa]

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