Monday, March 18, 2013

Mosambe fruit juice...ELIXIR FOR HEALTH...

While I am in India,  during the summer months,  I may quench my thirst by drinking freshly squeezed mosambe fruit juice off the local stands.... this was recommended to me by my student's grandmother... and I first had it in Nasik... but later,  I had it in other parts of India,  including my beloved Rishikesh... holy city on the Ganges... this juice is an ABSOLUTE ELIXIR FOR HEALTH.... in fact,  I have a craving for that fruit juice which cannot be found here in its fresh fruit form... so why don't we import this?  some Indian merchants need to figure this out,  because I can bet a giant market will exist for this juice in no time here...  (Dr Carolyn Heising, Ames, Iowa USA)

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