Friday, October 4, 2013

Journey to wholeness...

Whole foods... now the rage here in usa... health foods..raw foods... how interesting that this is the basis of ancient Vedic ayurved...

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Tamarind has an enormous number of health benefits. reason I am posting about tamarind is the wonderful tamarind sauce at Indian Delights restaurant here in Ames... I had this tamarind sauce on my veggie chaat today at the Ames downtown farmer's market... it has so many incredible health benefits too...

  • Tamarind has multiple benefits as cathartic, febrifuge, antiseptic and refrigent.
  • Tamarind is used as an Ayurvedic medicine for gastric problem, digestion problems and cardio protective activity.
  • Tamarind can be used as a mild laxative. The pulp which comes from the pods of the tamarind tree is a gentle laxative that improves general sluggishness of the bowels. One to two tablespoons of the pulp in evening can improve bowel movements.
  • Tamarind is very useful to treat bilious disorders. Being acidic it excites the bile and other juices in the body.
  • Tamarind leaves are used in herbal tea for reducing malaria fever.
  • Tamarind lowers cholesterol level in the body and helps in promoting healthy heart.
  • Sore throat is treated when gargled with dilute tamarind pulp.
  • Decoction of tamarind leaves is useful in treating jaundice and ulcers.
  • Dilute tamarind decoction can help in destroying the stomach worms in children.
  • Tamarind protects from Vitamin C deficiency.
  • Tamarind heals the inflammation of the skin to great extent.
  • Tamarind seeds are used in preparations of eye drops that treat dry eye syndrome.
  • Being a good source of antioxidants, tamarind helps fight against cancer.
  • Juice extracted from tamarind flowers are used for treating piles
  • Tamarind is used as blood purifier


    Thursday, June 13, 2013

    Jackfruit... healthy staple...

    Jackfruit is a healthy staple of Indian diet.  In season,  it is everywhere cooked.  Tonight we have it with tomatos, garlic, onion, green chilis and ginger.  Very nice!!

    Saturday, May 25, 2013

    Pongal... South Indian dish ....

    Today I was out at the Hindu temple and cultural center in Madrid, Iowa with my Indian student Bharat Mp from Tamil Nadu.  He told me we were eating some pongal that is a south Indian dish.  I found it very tasty and want to try it.  Here is the recipe: Sweet Pongal
    Relish a sweet dish during the harvest festival of South India - ’Pongal’, and add delight to the festival. Ingredients:

    1 cup raw rice
    1/2 cup green gram dhal
    1 cup milk
    2 1/2 cups water
    3 cups jaggery powdered
    4 tbsp ghee
    2 tbsp cashewnuts
    2 tbsp raisins
    5 cardamoms powdered
    2 cloves powdered
    1 small piece nutmeg grated or powdered
    A pinch of saffron

    Monday, May 20, 2013

    Saag... Indian dish with leafy greens...

    Saag is an Indian dish made with leafy greens, such as collards, kale, bok choy, spinach and many others.  I used fresh kale and bok choy from our farmer's market here in Ames.  I added frozen Indian veggies from Pammel Groceries in Ames which included ratalu (Indian yam), bhindi (Indian okra), methi (fenugreek leaves that are chopped and in blocks),  and Punjabi tinda (Indian baby pumpkin).  I then boiled all these together and used my immersion mixer to combine into the saag (shown above).  I also added various Indian spices, such as tumeric, garam masala, and curry powder.  This gives it that spicy flavor associated with Indian cuisine.  This saag is a very healthy vegetarian soup, even much like a health tonic.  Enjoy!

    Sunday, May 19, 2013

    South Indian dosas... like crepes...

    One of my favorite southern Indian dishes are dosas... like crepes.  We had some out at the Hindu temple and cultural center of Iowa in Madrid, Iowa today.  They may be served also with coconut curry.
    Very nice!

    Saturday, May 11, 2013

    Masala Dabba.... Indian spices storage.... you must have!!

    Masala dabba.... for Indian spice storage... this you must have!!  I just purchased mine on and it comes all the way from India!  Very reasonably priced.  Now,  the questions the masala dabba above,  you can see that each container has a name on it.... fennel,  turmeric.  cardamum, chili powder, etc.  This is very helpful.  The dabba I bought does not have these names,  and is less expensive than the one pictured above.  I think the named containers will help you recall the spices that you need to have for authentic Indian cooking.  Bon appetit!

    Thursday, May 9, 2013

    Wake at dawn... and realize your potential..

    Ayurveda suggests that we wake at dawn... around 6 AM or so... to experience the full freshness and aliveness of the early morning.   In so doing,  you may more fully realize your potential.  This is the period of time you may bathe,  of course, in the holy Ganges (Maaiya Ganga) shown above in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India,  the devotees are fully immersing in an ultimate body of water.  You may not be along the Ganges,  but you may bathe  fully immersed in the thoughts of the Ganga.  Bathing in such a state brings not only optimal health in this body,  but is said to bring Enlightenment. So,  go ahead and realize your potential.

    Wednesday, May 8, 2013

    One... with the Coconut....

    The coconut is a staple of Ayurvedic culture.   This includes every aspect of this magnificent fruit.  Around the world, in other tropical cultures,  the coconut is also highly revered and has been utilized for thousands upon thousands of years.  In the ayuvedic tradition,   the uses of the coconut are varied.  Coconut oil for example is used for skin and hair care as well as for ingestion and cooking.  The west has lately come upon the coconut,  and coconut water, oil and butter are now the rage among many in the organic health food movement.  I have attended my local health food store, Wheatsfield, here in Ames, Iowa for a wonderful class on the many and varied uses of coconut oil.  I am experimenting with using coconut oil on my skin and hair,  while also trying products that include coconut oil, such as in skin lotions (Coconut Trip from Colorado) and hair products (shampoo and conditioner).  But frankly,  my Indian students have informed me that I can purchase coconut oil rather cheaply from the local Indian food store (Pammel Groceries),  and I have lately been exploring that option as well.  The local yoga studio (Ames Yoga) has also recently brought in an established ayurvedic doctor from India,  and I attended his workshop.  The follow up ayurvedic support group included 15 simple and easy ayurveda principles you can add to any daily routine.  One of these included oil massage,  without specifying what oil you might use,  but the oil potions recommended were following the Vata, Pitta and Kapha traditional ayurvedic body types.  So,  becoming one.. with the coconut... is also recommended by the ayurvedic physician especially for cooking and for post menopausal women.  Trying out and experimenting with the coconut... whether it is with the coconut water that has so many benefits as a replacement for western sports drinks... or coconut oil... butter... flour... or other products... coconut yogurt... coconut milk... coconut kefir.... these products will keep you busy!!
    I have also lately gotten into SoDelicious coconut milk products... their  yogurt is outstanding!!

    Thursday, April 11, 2013

    Chyawanprash.... Ayurvedic superfood... mixture of 52 different herbs, flowers and spices..

    I have begun using CHYAWANPRASH... thanks to Dr Ram Sharma advising me to do so.  Considered an Ayurvedic super food,  it is a mixture of between 25-80, and often 52, different herbs, flowers and spices in the base of clarified butter (ghee) and honey or raw cane sugar.  Taken with warm milk or water,  this helps as an antioxidant, boosts immunity and improves the functioning of brains cells and the nervous system.  It is also an anti-aging herbal tonic.

    The real recipe of chyawanprash is given in ayurvedic texts like Ashtangahridayam, Carakasamhita, Sangandharasamhita,etc. Nowadays different companies are making chyawanprash in their own ways by removing some ingredients and adding their own. The number of herbs used in preparation of the paste varies from 25 to 80, but the main ingredient of all Chyawanprash is amla. Other chief ingredients are:

    Sunday, April 7, 2013

    Coconut oil... super oil...

    Ayurvedic doctors recommend that coconut oil be used... especially for post-menopausal women.  This is not to exclude other healthy oils, such as olive and others.  But coconut oil is a favorite for many Indian  men and women at all ages. Dr Ram Sharma has always used coconut oil in his village, Salawa, and it is widespread in India. 

    ( At Ames Yoga last night (4/6/13),  we had Dr Kotecha from chakrapani ayurveda Jaipur India address the group.  He mentioned that coconut oil is especially good for post-menopausal women.)

    Tuesday, March 26, 2013

    Moong dal chaat.... healthy snack on Delhi roadsides..

    This moong dal chaat is a healthy snack found on Delhi roadsides and elsewhere... I know that there are so many ways to prepare moong dal.... I found over 300 recipes on the internet from all over India... this moong bean is a versatile legume... namaskar friends...

    Monday, March 25, 2013

    Moong beans... Asian superfood...

    According to Ayurveda and Chinese medicine,  moong beans are considered a cooling food, with sweet and astringent tastes and have a nourishing and cleansing effect.  They are considered very easy to digest,  especially if prepared with digestive herbs and spices.  They are pacifying to the body and mind (ie: a SATTVIC food) and are considered the most balancing legume for all of the mind/body constitutions (doshas-- vata, pitta, kapha). They are best prepared accompanied with digestive herbs and spices such as ginger, cumin, black mustard seeds, coriander, turmeric, basil, rosemary, sage, tarragon, black pepper and bay leaf.  The beans have a mild flavor and very much absorb whatever flavor you cook them in, so spice away.  I prepared a moong bean soup with Indian vegetables and added curry powder for spice.  It is so delicious and nutritious.  They are an excellent source of protein and dietary soluble fiber, and also contain vitamins A, C, and E, folacin, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium.  They are also a source of phytoestrogens. (The photo shows a traditional  Indian moong bean curry)

    Wednesday, March 20, 2013

    Hemp... the super plant for health...   In India,  the hemp revolution is being spearheaded by this group...

    JOIN THE HEMP REVOLUTION.... hemp is now considered the super plant for health... .even exceeding the health benefits of soy.  I have been using hemp protein powder and also hemp "milk" (substitute) and have found it a wonderful way to get protein.  Did you know the average 160 pound person requires at least 50 grams of protein per day (according to experts at the Mary Greeley Hospital here in Ames, Iowa USA).
    When I make my hemp protein smoothie for breakfast every morning,  I know I am getting high quality plant protein in the 4 tablespoon serving. I am using the TEMPT brand from Living Harvest company headquartered in Portland, Oregon which is the leader in the USA for hemp products.  There are also hemp oils, hemp ice cream (substitutes) and many other products you can find on their website: ( ).

    Ashwagandha (India winter cherry) .... relieves stress and builds vitality...

    Ashwagandha (India winter cherry) is a natural source of energy and vitality,  according to ORGANIC INDIA,  one of  the companies I purchase my supplements from.  It allows for the body to successfully adapt to stress and builds stamina and supports adrenal health.  In men,  this herb is well-noted for male sexual endurance.Ashwagandha soothes the nervous system and supports restful sleep.

    Ashwagandha is also considered by many to be an anti-aging supplement, and it traditionally was known for its ability to provide nourishment to bones and muscles. Studies have also shown that the orange berries from the ashwagandha can be used topically to aid carbuncles, skin ulcers, and tumors. Further research looks to determine its effectiveness as a treatment for bone cancer, diabetes, bipolar disorder, constipation, impotency, rheumatism, nerve problems, memory loss, arthritis, and many other physical ailments.
    (further info from the herb wisdom website: 
    Ashwagandha root is an herb of the ages. It is the 'ginseng' of Ayurvedic medicine, the traditional medicine of India and is considered an 'adaptogen', a term used to describe herbs that improve physical energy and athletic ability, increase immunity to colds and infections and increase sexual capacity and fertility.
    One reason for ashwagandha's reputation as a general energy-promoting, disease-preventing tonic may be its effect on the immune system. A number of studies have shown significant increases in white blood cell counts and other measures of strengthened immunity in rodents given ashwagandha or certain chemicals extracted from the herb. Ashwagandha may also have a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system and in animal studies it has been shown to be a muscle relaxant. It is commonly used to increase vitality, particularly when recovering from chronic illnesses and pain management for arthritic conditions. Ashwagandha may also help regulate blood sugar which aids in suppressing sugar cravings. Research shows ashwagandha may be a promising alternative for cancer treatment and prevention. Ashwagandha seems to show positive effects on the endocrine, cardio, and central nervous systems. It is one herb that could help your body produce it's own thyroid hormones.
    Ashwagandha is used to restore male libido, cure impotence and increase male fertility. It is widely used in southern Asia as a male sexuality tonic.
    Preliminary studies indicate that the herb helps to reduce the negative effects of stress, slow tumour growth, treat anxiety and insomnia, and reduce cholesterol in addition to increasing sexual performance. )

    Tuesday, March 19, 2013

    Guggul... versatile ayurvedic herb for many remedies..

    Commiphora mukul
    The Guggul herb has other names that it is known by such as, Gum guggulu, Gugulipid and Indian bedellium.

    * helps liver to process cholesterol
    * boost the functioning of the thyroid gland
    * prevents buildup of plaque on artery walls
    * raises the good cholesterol (HDL)
    * lowers the bad cholesterol (LDL)
    * cleanse blood vessels 

    Traditional Uses of Guggul

    • For cardiovascular system

    • For cholesterol and triglycerides

    • For rheumatism and osteoarthritis

    • For cystic acne

    • For sense of well-being

    • For weight loss

    Vegetable curry... one of my favorite Indian dishes...

    One of my favorite Indian dishes is vegetable curry.... of course,  I also enjoy many other curry dishes.  Savor the flavor!! (commentary by Dr. Carolyn D. Heising, Ames, Iowa USA)

    Indian tableware.. copper and stainless steel designs..

    Indian tableware is commonly stainless steel and/or copper,  but magnificent china also is manufactured in India.  I became aware of the utility of the common stainless steel variety wherever I went.  I am displaying a variety here for you to relish!  One set has food served on it,  so savor the flavor !!  (commentary by Dr. Carolyn D. Heising, Ames, Iowa USA)

    Fresh Indian lime soda.... another healthy elixir..

    Fresh Indian lime soda is another healthy elixir found just about everywhere in India that I traveled to.  Roadside stands sell this and it is also served in posh hotels in Delhi and other major cities.  It is also a drink that most Indian households relish and serve.  I have to admit that I became quite fond of this drink,  particularly in the summer months when the drink is just so perfect for sitting poolside at the hotel,  or having in a car on a motor trip.  This is just another fond memory of India I have !!  (commentary by Dr. Carolyn D. Heising, Ames, Iowa USA)

    Masala chai.... the preferred tea drink of India...

    Masala chai.. with or without milk... is the preferred tea drink of India and can be found all over the sub-continent.  Traveling through the north, west and down to Goa,  I found chai everywhere.  The roadside stands serve chai as well.  I have developed more of a taste for "straight" chai (without the milk) and with lemon,  which you order in the Indian restaurants as lemon tea.  However,  the morning chai with some crackers is much more commonly served.  (commentary by Dr. Carolyn D. Heising, Ames, Iowa USA)

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    Welcome to Health, Spices and Ayurvedic Herbs..


    India itself is the land of the gods,  or "Dev Bhoomi",  and the cuisine of India is world famous.  We wish to share what we know with you for your own health so you may experience yourself  the benefits of the spices and ayurvedic herbs of this ancient Indian vedic  culture.  Namaste!!

    Dr Ram Sharma has a long family history of familiarity with Indian spices and ayurvedic herbs as one of his grandfathers was an accomplished ayurvedic healer in his own right.  Dr Carolyn Heising is a collaborator of Dr Ram Sharma in the USA,  where she lives and teaches in Ames, Iowa at Iowa State University.  Dr Ram Sharma is a professor of english at Janta Vedic College in Baraut, Baghpat India in the greater Delhi area.
    Together,  the collaborators have traveled four times to the himalayas,  including Badrinath, Almora, Dwarahat and Mussoorie,  as well as spending much time in Rishikesh,  a sacred city along the holy Ganges (Ganga) river.  Also, Dr Ram Sharma has now traveled twice to the USA and spent time in Iowa, Seattle, Washington, and Los Angeles and San Diego California.  He has experienced Indian American restaurants now in the USA,  and was always comparing with his familiar spices back home in India.  Dr Carolyn Heising has experienced many cuisines of India,  and has had the great privilege of staying with many of her Indian students families in cities such as Nasik, Bikaner, Mumbai, Delhi, and Noida,  as well as staying in many guest houses and hotels across the northern part of the country.  She is particularly fond of Mama's cottage in Rishikesh,  and has also experienced the delightful cuisine of Maa Gyaan,  a yogini at the Kirti Hermitage outside of Rishikesh.  Such food cannot be described as anything else but heavenly!!

    The Lotus Root.... symbol of purity..

    The Buddhists hold lotus root sacred as a symbol of purity.  It is native to tropical Asia, the Middle East and Australia,  and has been cultivated for more than two thousand years.  By around 500 BC it was being grown in the Nile Valley for its exceptional beauty,  though the poor found greater value in boiling, drying, and grinding the seeds and rhizomes for food.  In China,  evidence of its cultivation dates to the Han dynasty (207 BC - AC 220).  IN INDIA, A GOLDEN LOTUS FLOWER IS SAID TO HAVE GROWN FROM THE NAVEL OF THE GOD VISHNU,  and in China and Japan,  Buddha is often depicted either holding or seated on a lotus blossom. 

    Samosa chaat.... amazing roadside Indian food..

    While in India,  Dr Ram Sharma usually finds amazing roadside samosa chaat for me to sample... this can also be found in Ames, Iowa USA at the INDIAN DELIGHTS restaurant off W. Lincoln Way... the owner/chef Deepak is a master chef according to Dr Ram Sharma who visited there several times for meals while he was in Ames in June, 2012....  but nothing can beat the roadside samosa chaat... mmmmm...... (Dr Carolyn D. Heising, Ames, Iowa, USA)

    Green coconut water... another amazing elixir for health..

    When I am in India,  especially in the summer months,  which by the way begins in May,  there are often green coconut vendors along the roadside who sell you a green coconut for probably about a nickle and includes chopping off part of it so they can stick a straw in the top.... this is another amazing elixir for health...  (Dr Carolyn Heising, Ames, Iowa, USA)
    Coconut water possesses high quantities of nutrients and minerals, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese and phosphorus. Because of these properties, it can be used as a substitute for sugary energy cocktails and is highly effective in rehydrating the body, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services. Use the juice after exercise or to replenish fluids lost from exertion in the heat. It is low in cholesterol and sugar and has a pleasant, light coconut flavor. A patent to produce a natural sports drink made from coconut water was granted to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

    Gymnema Leaf... ancient ayurvedic herb...lowers blood sugar..

    Gymnema leaf is an ancient ayurvedic herb that lowers blood sugar levels and may help repair or heal the pancreas according to Dr. Mark Hyman, MD, doctor to Bill Clinton and best selling author of THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION.  

    Fenugreek... ancient medicinal plant of India..

    Fenugreek... this ancient medicinal plant of India will assist your insulin function and help lower triglycerides and raise your good HDL cholesterol  according to Dr. Mark Hyman, MD,  doctor to Bill Clinton and best selling author of THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION.  Not only that,  this fenugreek plant can be used in cooking,  as it is in India,  and it contains 4 hydroxyisoleucine which produces the fantastic health benefits.

    Mosambe fruit juice...ELIXIR FOR HEALTH...

    While I am in India,  during the summer months,  I may quench my thirst by drinking freshly squeezed mosambe fruit juice off the local stands.... this was recommended to me by my student's grandmother... and I first had it in Nasik... but later,  I had it in other parts of India,  including my beloved Rishikesh... holy city on the Ganges... this juice is an ABSOLUTE ELIXIR FOR HEALTH.... in fact,  I have a craving for that fruit juice which cannot be found here in its fresh fruit form... so why don't we import this?  some Indian merchants need to figure this out,  because I can bet a giant market will exist for this juice in no time here...  (Dr Carolyn Heising, Ames, Iowa USA)

    Turmeric... dynamo for your health....

    Turmeric is absolutely a DYNAMO for your health... here's what Bill Clinton's doctor,  Mark Hyman, MD,  has to say about turmeric in his New York Times best selling book : THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION

    " turmeric is nature's Advil:  the curcumin in turmeric is a COX-2 inhibitor-- the same class of anti-inflammatory as ibuprofen." -- p. 200

    India.. World Leader in Spice Production...

    Did you know that India leads with half of the world's production of spices at more than three million metric tons in 2004?  China is a distant second with 692,000 metric tons and ten percent of total world production.